Thursday, April 14, 2016

April 13 - Another Work Day

Up early in preparation for departure and with oatmeal in my belly I headed for the potty. On the way Deb and I stopped to talk about the arrangements for leaving when we learned that we would be staying for another day. It seemed several of the group had packages coming to HikerTown on Thursday and Friday and there had been some discussion about the security of staying at Casa de Luna vs HikerTown. So it was decided we'd stay another day and do some more work in preparation for the herd. Good thing I hadn't packed up my tent!

Over the course of the day I raked some of the trails and tent sites, helped put out a hiker wardrobe of Hawaiian shirts and dresses, and did whatever to help with preparations. I also unsuccessfully attempted a repair of my sleeping pad, which has a slow leak. And I did a little reading of Edward Abbey's book "The Monkey Wrench Gang."

Other people set up The Lounge, an outdoor living room with couches and a table. 

At the end of the day Terrie gathered us together for a group picture along with Tony, a section hiker who came in this afternoon. Rick, Deb, Hatchet a.k.a. Danger, a.k.a. Jeff, Snapchat a.k.a. Ryan, tony, Justin, and yours truly. 

I've included a few more pictures of this eclectic Trail Angel home, including one of Terrie, the owner, and another of Jackass, a friend helping out. 

Can you pick out the wild cucumber???

The last pic is of the girl outside my tent. Kinda creepy!

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